Announcement – AKC Modification Dated March 17, 2015 from the Performance Events Department
To: All Clubs Licensed to Hold Retriever Hunting Tests
This communication is to inform your club that there have been four changes to the Retriever
Hunting Test Regulations. Specifically, clubs that limit the number of entries they will accept in their
Master level test: (1) must advertise a date and time when entries will start to be accepted, (2) must
establish a “first in – first out” waiting list, and (3) may choose to set aside 15% of the Master level test
entries for event workers. A fourth recommendation is to allow the use of shotgun simulators in Retriever
Hunting Tests.
With the relevant additions/changes underlined, the new Regulations are as follows:
Chapter 1, Section 3. Making Application. Starting after paragraph 3.
New Paragraph
Clubs that limit the number of entries in the Master Hunter Test must advertise an opening date for
its Hunting Test. In order for there to be transparency for all participants, the opening date shall be
the Wednesday closest to three weeks prior to the first day of the event. The opening time shall be
8:00 pm Central Time.
New Paragraph
Clubs that limit the number of entries in the Master Hunting Test must establish a waiting list in
order that entries that scratch prior to the closing date and time can be replaced. The waiting list
shall utilize a “first in – first out” approach.
Chapter 1, Section 4. No Special Inducements.
A hunt-test giving club shall not accept an entry fee other than that published in its premium list or
entry form, or in any way discriminate between entrants. Except a club with a limited entry in
Master test may set aside up to 15% of the Master entries for event workers. Remainder of the
paragraph remains unchanged.
Chapter 3, Section 8. Gunning. Fourth Paragraph.
Either shotguns or shotgun simulators may be used. If a shotgun is used, it must be a 20, 16 or 12
gauge shotgun. Gunners firing live ammunition must be 21 years of age or older. Gunners firing
popper loads or shotgun simulators must be a minimum of 16 years of age and if less than 21, must
have successfully completed a Hunter/Gun Safety course.
The three changes regarding the entry process become effective when a club’s contracted entry
service is prepared to implement them or no later than July 1, 2015. The use of shotgun simulators
becomes effective April 1, 2015.
The Performance Events Department appreciates the dialog and input it has received from the
Retriever Hunting Test Advisory Committee in addressing the issues that led to the development of
these changes.
This e-mail is being sent to the President and Secretary of all clubs licensed to hold Retriever
Hunting Tests. You are encouraged to forward this information to any one that might be
interested. General comments can be e-mailed to the AKC at [email protected].